About our service

PC・IT support

We support comfortable digital life by solving computer and Internet problems.

ICT support service​

We set up your PC and Internet config quickly and reliably. Please leave it me with peace of mind.

Web marketing

Support acquire new customer on internet to use web marketing technology.

Programing class

You can learn programming from the basics. You can also create software together.

Maximizing Your Business Potential with Web Marketing

Web marketing service

A comprehensive approach to attracting customers and maximizing results

PC & Internet Setup

ICT support service

Solve PC problems and optimize Internet settings.


Programming Class

Developing Future Technology Leaders

Supporting Business Efficiency and Grows

IT outsourcing

IT partner that supports business efficiency and growth


Web marketing service

Yes, we offer SEO services. We offer the best strategies to increase the number of visitors to your website.

Yes, we also support SNS marketing. We will select the best SNS platform for your customer segment.

Web marketing are evaluated quantitatively using metrics such as the number of website visitors, page views, and conversion rates.

ICT support service​

Yes, we can help with computer problems and internet connection problems.

We will first confirm the situation by phone. If we are unable to resolve the problem over the phone, we will visit you.

Yes, we provide security measures for your computer and internet connection. We will propose a solution that meets your request.

Programming Class

We offer a wide range of skill levels class, from beginner to advanced.

Programming languages will be selected based on the client’s needs, such as Python, Javascript, Visual basic, etc.

Yes, real-time online classes are available.

IT outsourcing

Various IT services such as software development and data analysis can be outsourced.

Progress of work will be reported in regularly.

Our fee structure for outsourced IT services depends on the size and content of the project. Please feel free to call us at 070-8521-3697 or contact us page for a specific quote.

Let's get work together.